For July 2024

Feature Headlines

John (JR) Ricketson, publisher of The Apopka Chief and The Planter...

Find more information in the Friday, July 19th edition of The Apopka Chief.

City downtown brought up as concern for FY25 funding

The city is considering setting aside funds in the fiscal year 2025 budget for a downtown revitalization program, while the city is searching for...

Veterans Advisory Council awards retired sargeant

The Orange County Mayor’s Veterans Advisory Council’s Veteran of the Year Committee recently selected Sgt. Fred Robinson, USMC, Retired, as the recipient of the Orange County...

New citizens take oath on Independence Day

U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services presented 20 Orlando-area residents to the United States District Court for the Middle District of Florida for naturalization during...


Chief Publisher ‘JR’ helped shape Apopka for generations
By Patrick McGuffin, Guest editorialist

Long-time publisher and owner of The Apopka Chief and The Planter newspapers, John “JR” Ricketson, passed away at the age of 84 and moved into his eternal reward on July 16, 2024.


Vision 2050 is in planning stages
Christine Moore, County Commissioner District 2

Balancing the varying needs of healthy communities is required in good governance. The Board of County Commissioners (BCC) will likely submit two constitutional amendments regarding protecting rural lands and controlling excessive annexations to the citizens for their consideration this November. Read Moore on page 2A.

Schools need up-to-date info
Melissa Byrd, Orange County School Board, District 7

As usual, summer is flying by and we are quickly approaching the start of another school year. The 2024-25 school year will begin on Monday, August 12. Read Byrd on page 2A.

Plan was to make women, children dependent on government
Ike Hayden, Editorial

The great Greek philosopher, Democritus (470-370 B.C.) wrote that “cheats and hypocrites are those who do everything with words and nothing with actions.” That statement, although written many centuries ago describe Joe Biden precisely. Read Ike on page 2A.

Letters to the Editor:

Assassination attempt was made

Editor: We humans love to sanitize words, make them more palatable. Acceptable. Less threatening. Assassinate is one of those words that just can’t be sanitized.

 Police Beat: STAY INFORMED. Get the details: who, when, and why arrests were made in our community by


Lake Apopka is the perfect place for bird watching

The Lake Apopka Wild Life Drive is home to a vast variety of birds from herons to ducks to cranes to gallinules. If you...

Carrot cake with crushed pineapple, glazed, then frosted, is the best!

From, Susan Nethercote, a dear friend, we have Grampa’s Spaghetti Sauce! This comes from her own family documentary, The Jones-Morris Family Treasury (contributed to...

Hicks Seafood House of Apopka cuts ribbon

Hicks Seafood House of Apopka held its ribbon cutting on Wednesday, July 10. Its location is 60 E. Main St., Apopka, in the former...


Former WHS baseball player Logan Gilbert is an All-Star

Former Wekiva High School player Logan Gilbert was selected to the American League All-Star team for the first time in his career. Gilbert plays...

Jalen Carter hosts free youth football camp

This weekend, former Apopka High School football player, and current Philadelphia Eagles defensive tackle, Jalen Carter will be holding his annual free youth football...

Leonce hits fundraiser goal for trip to the Olympics

Second, since then Leonce has successfully reached her fundraising goal for her trip to Paris and will be officially heading to the 2024 Olympics...