For February 7, 2024
Feature Headlines
24th annual Apopka Fair will offer rides and food, benefit Apopka...
Moore reveals temporary flood control plan for S.R. 436 area
Main Street Apopka’s Showcase of Cars draws crowd
Cabin project aims to bring ghost town back to life
- City Council approves board appointment
- CRA seeks public input in updating redevelopment plan
- Black History Month event is Feb. 25
- Miriam was shut out of camp
- Orange Audubon Society organizing Conservation of the Unique Wekiva Wild
- Samara White is named to dean’s list
- Ansley Ottati named to dean’s list
- Find Newspaper Fun for Kids on page 5B.
- Get into Mardi Gras spirit with Chubby Carrier and The Bayou Swamp Band
Quality of Lake Apopka’s water is always our concern
The Florida Department of Health in Orange County (DOH-Orange) cautions the public of the presence of blue-green algae in Lake Apopka (near Oakland Nature Preserve), Lake Roberts (S Dock), Lake Butler (W Shore), and Lake Hancock (John Hancock Drive Boat Ramp) on February 4, 2025.
Volunteers help beautify Orange County
Christine Moore, County Commissioner District 2
Do you know how to choose the right plant for the right place? What looks great to the eye may not flourish in everyone’s yard. Read Moore on page 2A.
Melissa Byrd, Orange County School Board, District 7
If you have read my columns over the last several years, you should be familiar with Read Around the City. Read Byrd on page 2A.
America’s strength is in her unity – together we are one!
Ike Hayden, Editorial
“What a difference a day makes,” so goes the first line of the song. I would change one thing, and that would be “day” to “administration.” Read Hayden on page 2A.
Whats Happening So Far
Patti Bankson, The Way I See It
Surprise! It’s easier this time around to find one or two in D.C. who think that President Trump has lots of good plans for our country. Outside of D.C., of course, it’s not that surprising. Read Bankson on page 5A.
Rod Olsen, Apopka
 Police Beat: STAY INFORMED. Get the details: who, when, and why arrests were made in our community by subscribing to The Apopka Chief today.