Graceworx Community Church to Host Mini Concert as Part of Its Easter Celebration


The public is invited to come hear world-renowned, locally based, singer and recording artist Charles Haugabrooks present a 30-minute Easter-themed mini concert as part of the worship service at Graceworx Community Church on Saturday, March 30, at 11:30 AM.

Graceworx will be joining Christians around the world as, throughout Holy Week, congregations celebrate the death, burial, and resurrection of Jesus.

While not all Christians celebrate Easter at exactly the same time, or in exactly the same way, this spiritual festival is a high point—if not the highest point—in the liturgical calendars of nearly all segments of Christianity.

Spiritual leaders at times lament that many Christians turn up at church for Christmas and Easter Only. Thus some have lightheartedly dubbed these twice-yearly attenders as “CEOs.”

Almost all congregational leaders encourage everyone in their flock to come together for worship more than just two times a year. But if—for whatever reason—those are the only two times when many are willing or able to involve themselves in corporate worship, what better times could they possibly choose?

Christmas provides the “opening page” of the story of God becoming human and living among us so we can know what God is truly like, and so we can experience the reconciliation God wants with each of us.

Easter is the “concluding page” of that story. It’s the celebration of victory—of darkness turned to light, of despair turned to hope, of death giving way to life once again, of the gates of heaven being thrown open to those who have felt trapped and alienated.

Graceworx Community Church encourages all Christians to take full advantage of the many worship opportunities, the music, the prayers, the scripture readings, and the dramatic portrayals that characterize the celebrations leading up to and including Easter.

For those who don’t have any religious affiliation, Easter provides a great opportunity to learn more about what your Christian neighbors believe and to catch a glimpse of Christians involved in some of their most moving spiritual celebrations. Be assured, you will be welcome at whatever church you might choose to visit.

If you would like to visit a congregation, but don’t have one in mind, Graceworx extends a special invitation for you to join us on Saturday morning, March 30. Graceworx meets in the sanctuary of St.  Andrews Presbyterian Church, 9913 Bear Lake Road, Apopka, FL 32714, every Saturday morning for an hour-long service beginning at 11:30 AM.

Our service on Saturday, March 30, will feature a brief Easter sermon by Pastor Jim Coffin, the reading of scriptures about the story of Christ’s death, burial and resurrection; congregational singing of a couple of Christianity’s most cherished resurrection hymns; and a mini Easter-themed concert by much-loved vocalist Charles Haugabrooks.

Haugabrooks has performed throughout the United States and Canada, Central America, the Caribbean, Europe, Papua New Guinea, the Philippines, Indonesia, and East, West, and South Africa.
