18 bass caught weighing over 63 lbs. in first day of...

Hello Folks, We are finally gettin’ some rain and we desperately need it. We can always use some more since the lakes are bein’ a little...

Hebb & Kraine catch five bass weighing in at 23.05 pounds

Hello Folks, We are still gettin’ a few drops here and there, so I’m very thankful we are gettin’ some rain. I hope you had...

When cooking, if the recipe says ‘Southern’, you know it must...

I have been reading a “new” book (from AbeBooks, of course, my “go-to” place for any book I want other than digital)… The Southern...

Weekend was fun for anglers, not so much for the fish-...

Rich Niles shows off a 9.2-lbs. bass he caught over the weekend.

No fishin’ or swimmin’ on Lake Monroe, due to sewage

Hello Folks, I hope y’all had a great week. We have been havin’ some up-and-down weather lately, and that has kinda put a damper on the fishin’.

T-shirt for a tagged fish

Frank Terpilowski of Apopka shows off the T-shirt he received for catching and releasing a redfish that had been tagged by the Florida Fish...

Fishing at Lake Apopka

Fishermen take a boat ride on Lake Apopka, the state’s third largest lake.

Hooked a bird? Don’t cut the line! Reel. Remove. Release.

Steps to rescue a hooked bird, see page 5B.

State TrophyCatch program has 100 fish topping 13 pounds

The Florida Fish and Wildlife Conservation Commission’s (FWC) TrophyCatch program announces a new milestone.  See story on 3B.