Specks are the fish to catch in local rivers and lakes


Hello Folks,

Jim-Keck-Goin-FishinAs I write the column this week, I want to wish everyone a very Merry Christmas. I hope and pray you and your family have a Blessed Christmas and enjoy your time together.

As far as the fishin’ goes, it’s not too bad. Folks are still catchin’ some nice specks in most of the lakes in our area.

My buddies at Zellwood Station, John and Dave, are still catchin’ plenty of specks in Lake Monroe on jigs tipped with a minner. They only keep specks that are 10 inches or bigger. They have cleaned some for supper and the specks don’t have any roe in ‘em yet.

Folks are also catchin’ some specks in Lake Griffin, Big Lake Harris, and Lake Eustis. Most of the specks are bein’ caught on jigs tipped with a minner. Lake Jesup and Lake Harney are producin’ some nice stringers of specks, too.

Most folks are driftin’ mid-lake and watchin’ for bottom changes where some specks will be hang-in’ out waitin’ for a jig.

The bass fishin’ is gettin’ better each week. We have a full moon on Christmas Day so this week and this weekend should be a good time to get on the water and catch some fish.

Rick and I fished the Butler Chain a couple of weeks ago. We had bluebird skies and the bite was off but it should be back on this weekend. We caught most of our bass on plastic worms and Rick caught most of his bass by flippin’ the heavy cover along the shoreline.

John’s Lake on the west side of town has been good for specks and some nice bass. Most of the bass are bein’ caught on shiners and shallow-runnin’ crankbaits. Most of the specks are bein’ caught by driftin’ the lake with jigs tipped with a minner.

You need to try and find some submerged grass beds and drift back and forth over the area until they quite bitin’.

The bass fishin’ on the Kissimmee Chain was real good up until the last cold front came to town. It should pick back up this weekend. You will do best with live shiners and slow-sinkin’ Senko-type baits.

We are gonna have some warm weather at the end of the week and over the weekend. So the weather should be perfect for fishin’.

I hope you have a great week and after Christmas, you get a chance to do some fishin’.

See ya next week.

Tip of the week: full moon.

Save a few and good luck!