Specks are bitin’ like crazy while bass are snoozin’

Hello Folks, We are more than halfway through January and I hope your new year is startin’ off in the right direction. If you are...

Water temperatures have dropped

Hello Folks, I hope y’all are enjoyin’ these cooler days we have been havin’. The colder days have dropped the water temperatures and some folks are reportin’ that they are seein’ some bass...

Time around the holidays is a great time to get on...

Hello Folks, I hope you are havin’ a great week and you are gettin’ ready for the Christmas holidays. It won’t be long until Santa...

This week’s cold front temporarily slowed down fishin’

Hello Folks, It’s official that cold weather has arrived in Central Florida this week. The fishin’ was really good in most of the lakes in...

If you’re tired of turkey, try catchin’ some specks

Hello Folks, I hope you and your family had a great Thanksgivin’. I love this time of the year with the cooler weather and good...

Maybe cooler weather will hang around

Hello Folks, I hope you are havin’ a great week and you are enjoyin’ the cooler weather that came to town this week. I woke up Tuesday...

Tropical Storm Eta kept a lot of anglers off the water

Hello Folks, I missed y’all last week. I was out of town attendin’ a funeral. The fishin’ wasn’t too bad last week but things changed when Tropical Storm Eta...

Fishin’ should be good this weekend

Hello Folks, I hope you are havin’ a great week and you got a chance to do some fishin’ this past week. The fishin’ should...

Fish are still gettin’ adjusted to fall-to-summer transition

Hello Folks, The cooler days are comin’ and I can hardly wait until they get here. The only problem right now is we are in...

Specks, bass are bitin’ in area lakes, rivers

Hello Folks, I hope everyone is doin’ good and you have had a chance to do some fishin’. We have been gettin’ lots of...