Bass are best thing to catch now as the weather warms...

Hello Folks, I hope everyone got through the storm on Saturday, April 10, and you are gettin’ ready to do some fishin’. The weather is...

Bluegills on beds give off distinct odor

Hello Folks, I hope everyone is enjoyin’ the last of the cooler weather we have been havin’. The days aren’t too hot and the fishin’...

Speck fishin’ is OK, but bass are bitin’ in Central Florida...

Hello Folks, I hope you are havin’ a great week and you are gettin’ on the water and catchin’ some fish. The speck fishin’ has...

Bass need a break from all the tournaments on Central Florida...

Hello Folks, It’s a great thing to live here in our area. The weather has been great, a little warm, but it beats snow and...

Even with windy weather, fishin’ has been pretty good

Hello Folks, They say that if you hang around long enough, the weather will change in Florida and it did. I would say that March...

Bass are bitin’ as local waters continue to warm up

Hello Folks, I hope you are havin’ a great week. Hopefully, you had a chance to get on the water and do some fishin’ over...

Warmer temperatures mean that specks, bass are bitin’

Hello Folks, These past few days have been kind of warm and that has got the water temperatures up just a little. I was on the water...

Warmer weather will get the bass to bitin’ in lakes and...

Hello Folks, I can’t believe that as I’m writtin’ my article for this week, it’s 85 degrees outside. Some nice warm weather rolled into town and...

Specks are bitin’ in many area lakes, while largemouth bass are...

Hello Folks, I don’t know if you have plans for the weekend, but now is a good time to get the family and do some...

Specks are bitin’ like crazy while bass are snoozin’

Hello Folks, We are more than halfway through January and I hope your new year is startin’ off in the right direction. If you are...