Bluegills, shellcrackers are hot just like the weather

Hello Folks, I hope you had a great weekend and you had a chance to do some fishin’. Folks are gettin’ on the water and...

Bluegills, shellcrackers are hot just like the weather

Hello Folks, I hope you had a great weekend and you had a chance to do some fishin’. Folks are gettin’ on the water and...

Take along plenty of liquids for fishin’ on summer days

Hello Folks, We are well into summer and if you haven’t noticed, we are in what I call  “the dog days of summer.” I don’t...

Take along plenty of liquids when you fish on summer days

Hello Folks, We are well into summer and if you haven’t noticed, we are in what I call  “the dog days of summer.” I don’t...

Despite hot weather, fishin’ is very good in local lakes

Hello Folks, I hope everyone had a great 4th of July weekend and you didn’t eat too many hamburgers and hot dogs. I hope you...

Despite hot weather, fishin’ is very good in local lakes

Hello Folks, I hope everyone had a great 4th of July weekend and you didn’t eat too many hamburgers and hot dogs. I hope you...

Take time off to fish over the 4th of July weekend

Hello Folks, I hope you had a great week and you are lookin’ forward to celebratin’ the July 4 weekend with your friends and family....

Time off to go fishin’ over July 4 weekend is a...

Hello Folks, I hope you had a great week and you are lookin’ forward to celebratin’ the July 4 weekend with your friends and family....

Summer weather started long before season officially began

Hello Folks, In case you haven’t noticed, summer is officially here and it started last Sunday on Fathers’ Day. I think it started before...

Take plenty of water to drink if you go fishin’ these...

Hello Folks, Well, summer is upon us and it’s gettin’ kinda hot as we move toward July and August. If you do go fishin’, make...