Fish are bitin’ like crazy in our Central Florida lakes


Hello Folks,

Folks, I want you to know that we are livin’ in the greatest fishin’ state that I know. I’ve always heard it said that we live in the Fishin’ Capital of the World and, by golly, it’s true. I don’t think it’s true, I know it’s true.

The fishin’ has been really good for the past couple of weeks. Folks are gettin’ on the water and catchin’ some nice stringers of bluegills and shellcrackers. You need some red worms or crickets and to drift open water until you find a bed of panfish. Once you locate the beds, keep driftin’ back and forth until they quit bitin’. The Harris Chain and the Kissimmee Chain have been hot spots for panfish.

The bass fishin’ is pickin’ up in most of the chains and the local lakes as well. You should be able to catch some nice bass in the Kissimmee Chain and the Harris Chain. The Butler Chain has been really good for the past two weeks. If you go to the Kissimmee Chain, you need to start by fishin’ the shoreline cover and pads with plastic toads and frogs. You could also try fishin’ with a swim-bait in those same areas as well. Once the sun gets up, try findin’ some deeper water with submerged hydrilla or eel-grass beds. Plastic worms or slow-sinkin’ Senko-type baits will work the best.

Captain Paul Solomon has been takin’ his clients to the Butler Chain and doin’ real good on the bass. Most of the bass are bein’ caught on shiners, and speed worms.

Rick and I went to the Butler Chain last week and we had one of our best days in a long time. Rick was on fire and he caught and released 34 bass. He also caught a 5 pounder, a 3 pounder, and one that was almost 8 lbs. I only caught 15 bass but when you have that kind of day on the water, it makes up for the days you don’t do so well. So, if you want to catch some nice bass go to the Butler Chain and have some fun.

One of my co-workers, Brian Paine, went fishin’ on the Harris Chain over the weekend. He had a great day on the water, as well. Brian and his fishin’ partner caught and released seven bass. Brian caught a real nice bass that weighed around 5 lbs. They caught all their bass on Senko-type baits. The bass fishin’ on the Harris Chain has been good in Big Lake Harris and Lake Eustis. Most of the bass are bein’ caught on plastic worms and slow-sinkin’ Senko-type baits.

I’ve heard that the bass fishin’ has been pickin’ up in the Clermont Chain. You need to fish the shoreline cover with plastic toads and frogs. Once the sun gets up, look for some schoolin’ bass throughout the chain. Keep a lipless crank bait tied on one of your rods. You don’t want the bass to come up schoolin’ beside the boat and you ain’t ready.

Well, it’s safe to say that the fishin’ has been good and you need to take advantage of livin’ in the Fishin’ Capital of the World. See ya next week.

Tip of the week: go fishin’.

Save a few and good luck!