Darters sign college scholarships for volleyball, softball, baseball

Apopka High School girls volleyball players signing college scholarships were (l-r), front, Alexis Gosha, Camry Halm, and Sarah Egbers.

Remembering outstanding Apopka High baseball team 1968

The 1968 Apopka Blue Darters baseball team held a 50th-year reunion a few weeks ago, and Roger Franklin Williams will highlight the team today,...

Rash of injuries deals Blue Darters fatal blow

Five starters were either out of the line-up altogether or were playing with health issues...

APK girls’ and boys’ basketball fall in District Tournament

Apopka basketball, on both the girls’ and boys’ sides, suffered some tough losses last week in their matchups of their District Tournaments both losing...

Blue Darters vs Wekiva Mustangs

The Apopka Blue Darters entered the contest against the Wekiva Mustangs with a 16-7 record and holding sixth in the FHSAA ratings (points) system.

Schwarze coaches at national event

For Steve Schwarze, the years of heading up the Special Olympics program at Apopka High School reached a zenith earlier this month when he...

Mustangs, Blue Darters are very active in several sports

Wekiva High’s cheerleaders were at RP Funding Center in Lakeland to support the basketball team in the Class 6A state semifinals. The Apopka Blue...

Rookie Rolson comes through in the clutch at Crying Towel

At the Crying Towel Invitational, coaches are supposed to offer a comical woe-is-me view of their football team for the coming year. How did...

Apopka High girls soccer kick against Ocoee

How did Apopka girls soccer team open the postseason? Find out why the saying, “The postseason is a different animal” is used so much...

AHS softball lands spot in 9A regional playoffs

Apopka’s Sydney Wadden braces as she slides toward home plate. She was able to knock the ball out of the catcher’s glove and score.