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The Apopka Chief

The Apopka Chief

Cutting capital projects drives city effort to reduce spending due to...

Although city of Apopka officials have estimated that the coronavirus pandemic will ultimately cost the city about $2 million in sales tax revenue from...

County boat ramps are a victim of coronavirus issue

Hello Folks, I mentioned last week that things are changin’ and this week there is more change. I don’t know the full scope of it,...

County mayor signs order

Orange County Mayor Jerry Demings signs an emergency stay-at-home order that went into effect Thursday, March 26, at 11 p.m. due to coronavirus pandemic....

Times are certainly different now

Hello Folks, My grandfather used to tell me when I was younger that things change over time. Well, as of three weeks ago, we were...

Let Dr. Amy Davis cut through all the noise with her...

Amy Davis, Au.D., and her hearing care practice, Central Florida Audiology, are hidden gems in the greater Apopka and Leesburg communities. Dr. Davis is an...

Boost immunity but don’t compromise taste with Sherry Ward’s Veggie Pizza

From a reader of our newspapers, we have Nancy Thomas’ Beef Stew. We appreciate receiving our readers’ recipes, especially those that are loved and...

AHS alum helps lead college team to state semifinal

Apopka High graduate and former Blue Darter girls basketball player Hannah King helped lead the College of Central Florida women’s basketball team

Apopka High track team wins meet in Winter Park

The Apopka High School boys and girls track teams won the overall team championship of the Brian Jaeger/Elite Classic track meet held

Wekiva girls soccer team, coach have outstanding season

There is much more to the recently completed 2019-20 season than the slightly above average 12-11-1 record for the Wekiva Mustangs girls soccer team.