Cake recipe is easy to make with boxed cake mix and...
Found in her cookbook, Gullah Gee-chee Home Cooking, Mrs. Emily Meggett has a recipe for Pork Loin Roast that will serve 8 to 10...
Fat Free Fried Apples uses two kinds of apples and the...
Pot Roast for Crock-Pot is submitted by Pat Ariotta in Sharing Our Finest Cookbook put out by the Apopka Citizen Police Alumni Association. This...
Best Grilled Burger recipe also uses a 1-inch thick round of...
Food Net-work says, “When a grilled burger is called for, this one (The Best Grilled Burgers) is our go-to. We season only the outside...
Prepare overnight coffee cake, refrigerate and bake in the morning
Merry Christmas! Blessings to all or our favorite people… our readers and all the people of Apopka! We pray for you and your loved...
You can make five different kinds of bread using different toppings
Betty Land’s Seafood Souffle comes from What’s Cookin’? a wonderful publication put out by the Apopka Woman’s Club many years ago. Butter and eggs...
Carrot souffle uses 7 more ingredients and must be baked an...
Saturday, December 7, is Pearl Harbor Day. This is a day that we honor those who were killed or injured in the attack by...
These holiday recipes will certainly create delicious memories
Emily Meggett’s Meatloaf uses inexpensive ingredients and can last for days, even for large families. She says “this dish for my family when I...
Think about delicious aromas coming from Thanksgiving kitchens
We celebrate Thanksgiving today because in 1621, the Pilgrims who had landed in Plymouth (later to be named Massachusetts) held a celebratory feast after...
Thanksgiving dinner recipes that may bring back memories
This recipe from a woman who was large in my life, my husband’s aunt whom we all lovingly referred to as “Aunt Maggie,” is...
First, WWI Army Cake and then, Thanksgiving’s pumpkin cake
November 11, is Veterans Day. It was first called Armistice Day by Woodrow Wilson on November 11, 1919, as he addressed the American people...