Rains still comin’ and they help cool things down a bit

Hello Folks, We are still gettin’ lots of rain in our area just about every afternoon. Afternoon rains are good because it kinda cools things...

Hopefully, you were gifted some fishin’ gear

Hello Folks, Well, I hope you and your family had a great and Merry Christmas. I hope you received what you were looking for, especially if you like to fish....

Rain is a relief for our area lakes and rivers

Hello Folks, I want to thank everyone for their prayers as we finally got some much-needed rain. Hopefully, we will get some more in the comin’...

Bluegills, shellcrackers are hot just like the weather

Hello Folks, I hope you had a great weekend and you had a chance to do some fishin’. Folks are gettin’ on the water and...

Cold weather keeps most anglers off the lakes, river over Christmas

Hello Folks, Well, it’s soon to be 2023 and another year is in the books. We have had some cold weather over the Christmas holidays,...

Five bass weighed in at 17 pounds on Johns Lake

Hello Folks, We are into week two of the new year, and the fishin’ is not too bad. Folks are gettin’ out there and catchin’...

The fishin’ is pretty good in most chains

Hello Folks, I sure hope you have been enjoyin’ this great weather we have been havin’. There have been a few days that it has...

Most bass are bein’ caught on shiners

Hello Folks, Another weekend has come and gone and we get ready for another just around the corner. We are gettin’ some nice rain...

Rain earlier this week was very welcomed

Hello Folks, Well, it sure was nice to finally get some rain. I’m sure everyone is happy to see the rain and get our yards green again....

Lakes, rivers great for fishin’

Hello Folks, We are still gettin’ some afternoon rains, and with the cloud cover and the rain showers, the fishin’ has been pretty doggone...