Cake recipe is easy to make with boxed cake mix and...
Found in her cookbook, Gullah Gee-chee Home Cooking, Mrs. Emily Meggett has a recipe for Pork Loin Roast that will serve 8 to 10...
Artists beautify Wheatley School with new murals
Multiple artists and organizations have collaborated to paint murals at various locations of the Phillis Wheatley Elementary School. Delia Miller paints the main stairwell...
The specks are still biting when the wind isn’t too bad
Hello Folks,
We are off and runnin’ into the New Year. It’s hard to believe we are already halfway through the first month of 2025....
The Lake Apopka Wildlife Drive, a bird watchers’ delight
A second collection of photographs taken a few years ago by John Peery at the Lake Apopka Wildlife Drive located at 2803 Lust Road,...
Gas district pays tribute to late retired employee
When Everett Holmes first approached us about employment in 2006, he didn’t know much about natural gas. He had experience in sales and as...
Fishing was starting to ramp up before cold front
Hello Folks,
I hope everyone is havin’ a great start to the new year. We are startin’ the new year off right with some cold...
Sink or swim: The Rock Springs Regatta at Kelly Park
Next Weekend the Rock Springs Cardboard Canoe Regatta at Kelly Park Springs is back. On Saturday, January 18, 16 teams of five will start...
Woodmen Life Apopka donates
In December, Woodmen Life Apopka Chapter 825 donated student holiday boxes to the Christian ministry Loaves & Fishes for distribution.
Critters found on the Apopka Wildlife Drive
These photographs were taken a few years ago by John Perry at the Lake Apopka Wildlife Drive located at 2803 Lust Road, Apopka. The...
Closed until further notice
Conrad Road, between Lust Road and the Lake Apopka Loop Trail, will be closed until further notice for contract work. The Loop Trail and...