Showcase these tasty foods during holidays meals

Thanksgiving surely is one of the most challenging as well as one of the best of times for which a Kitchen Kapers column can...

Imagine how good the kitchen smells when making Baked Spaghetti

The baked spaghetti recipe from Amanda Thomas-Henke is very good, especially for leftover sauce and noodles. You have the option of using cottage cheese...

Celebrate Independence Day with Buffalo Wings, Honeyed Pork and more

Independence Day is this coming Saturday, and we have some great recipes for you to celebrate one of our favorite holidays. Teresa Ward’s Buffalo Wings...

Orange sauce with fried pork chops makes for a tasty entrée

Orange Pork Chops from Sharon Bray in Treasures and Pleasures has a tasty sauce. The orange goes very well with pork, and cooking on...

Try the Cheaper by the Dozen Spare Ribs recipe for Flag...

Monday, June 14, is FLAG DAY! There are some colorful and delicious recipes in here for you. We have a recipe for oven-roasted spare ribs...

Use fresh potatoes for Eugene Schlienger’s Breakfast Potatoes

Chicken Spaghetti from Bonnie Smith in Plains Pot Pourri is a simple casserole that you can put together and serve piping hot along with...

Try something different, like Lobster and Shrimp Jambalaya, for the holidays

The recipe below for Lobster and Shrimp Jambalaya also calls for smoked ham as well as a couple of bottles of clam juice. You...

Cooked spinach, cream, white sauce, onions and cheese sounds good

James Island Shrimp Pie is a shrimp and rice casserole contributed by Mrs. John Jenkins from Charleston Receipts. You need two pounds of shrimp...

Norinne Lowell’s Cheeseburger Pie looks wonderful to make and eat

Norinne Lowell’s Cheeseburger Pie is shared with us in Plains Pot Pourri, published by the community-minded folks of Plains, Georgia. It uses ground beef,...

Magic cookie bars are easy to make, but cool before slicing

Our editorial consultant’s wife’s mom gifted Savannah Style to us. This is a wonderful cookbook published by The Junior League of Savannah, Inc. We...