FWC spraying hydrilla on south end of West Lake Toho


Hello Folks,

We finally got some rain and it looks like we are gonna get some more this week. I hope everyone had a great weekend and I wanted to wish all the fathers out there a belated “Happy Father’s Day’’ I missed last week, so I’m sorry for that.

I’m sure a lot of guys that are fishin’ now is because their father, grandfather or someone in the family took them fishin’. In my case, it was my grandfather and my Dad who got me started fishin’. I’m still fishin’ today, and I’m thankful they piqued my interest in fishin’. Also, I love bein’ on the water and I have had the privilege to take my son fishin’ and my grandson fishin’ as well. My son still fishes, but he is more saltwater than fresh. But he still enjoys gettin’ on the water and catchin’ fish. There is still something special bein’ on the water, bein’ one with nature and enjoyin’ the things that God put on this Earth.

If you are plannin’ a fishin’ trip to West Lake Toho, you might want to wait a couple of weeks. The FWC is sprayin’ the hydrilla on the south end of the lake. They had three trucks at Southpoint this mornin’ (Tuesday) sprayin’ the hydrilla. There is a lot of controversy about the sprayin’, and I agree that some sprayin’ is good for the lakes in our area, but they usually do an over-kill when they get out there and spray. Hopefully, they won’t kill all the hydrilla in the lake.

I mentioned last week that we have a full moon this week, and this will probably be your last chance to catch some bluegills and shellcrackers. All you need are some red worms, crickets or grass-shrimp to catch’em. So, get the family and go fishin’.

The bass fishin’ is still doin’ good in the Butler Chain this past week. Folks are catchin’em on plastic worms, and slow-sinkin’ Senko type baits. You can catch a few bass on a chatter-bait as well.

Kyle at Bitter’s Bait &Tackle reports that the fresh water fishin’ has slowed down due to the hot weather. He said that folks just aren’t  fishin’, especially when that ole sun gets up and the wind dies down. It gets kinda’ hot.

When you are fishin’ durin’ the summer in Florida, protect yourself from the sun. Wear long sleeve shirts and pants if you can, and plenty of sunscreen, lots of water and Gatorade. You need to get on the water at first light in the mornin’ or go late in the day or early evenin’ to avoid that ole sun.

The Maitland Chain has been pretty good for bass fishin’. Most folks are fishin’ at night and doin’ real good. I’m sure that it’s a lot cooler fishin’ at night.

I hope everyone has a great week and I’ll see ya next week.

Tip of the week: Full Moon

Save a few and good luck.