Specks will begin bitin’ better as weather cools

Hello Folks, I hope everyone had a great Thanksgivin’ weekend and you got a chance to do some fishin’. A lot of the folks...

With good weather, bitin’ fish, we have great days on water

Hello Folks, I hope everyone is gettin’ on the water and doin’ some fishin’. The weather has been great and the fish are bitin’, so...

Lake Jessup is the hot spot for bluegills and catfish

Hello Folks, I’m hopin’ you are havin’ a great week and you are lookin’ forward to gettin’ on the water and catchin’ some fish. The bluegills...

Prayers for rain have not gone unanswered in our area

Hello Folks, If you have been waitin’ for the rain to come, well, don’t wait any longer, it’s here and doin’ well. Our lakes need the rain...

Despite hot weather, fishin’ is very good in local lakes

Hello Folks, I hope everyone had a great 4th of July weekend and you didn’t eat too many hamburgers and hot dogs. I hope you...

Cold fronts keep fish from bitin’

Hello Folks, We finally got some much-needed rain last week and we are goin’ to get some more this week. The cold front we had...

Bass fishin’ in Lakes Monroe and Jessup still going gang...

Hello Folks, I hope everyone has had a great week and, hopefully, you got a chance to do some fishin’. I want to wish all the mothers out...

Panfish are bitin’ in lakes, rivers

Hello Folks, I hope you are havin’ a great week and you got a chance to do some fishin’ over the weekend. The bluegills and shellcrackers...

That’s a big bass!

Nathaniel Kicklighter shows off the 14 lbs., 11oz. largemouth bass that he caught in a lake in Putnam County. The state record for largemouth...

Specks are bitin’ like crazy while bass are snoozin’

Hello Folks, We are more than halfway through January and I hope your new year is startin’ off in the right direction. If you are...