Workplace Screening Intelligence is a local full-service laboratory for drug, alcohol, Healthcare worker, titer screening, and more


The Future of Workplace Screening Intelligence: Local and Nationwide Service

Workplace Screening Intelligence Services offered.

We offer drug and alcohol screening, physicals, general lab tests, and titer testing. We understand that different companies have different needs and, as such, have customized our services to meet the specific needs of each organization.  Our services are sold to Employers for employment screening, Medical Employers for titer testing, and the general public for those who want to order a blood test to monitor cholesterol, or any other screening needed.  No need for a doctor’s order as our Medical Director has nationwide prescriptive authority.

Questions we receive from prospective customers:

Besides drug screens what lab tests are offered?

Lipid Panel, Comprehensive Metabolic Panel, CBC, Hemoglobin A1C, Glucose, Urinalysis Routine, Lead Screen, RPR, STD Panels, Ammonia, Nicotine and thousands of other lab test.

What Titers do you offer?

QuantiFERON Gold TB Test (replaces 2 visit TB test), Hep A, B and C, MMR (Measles, Mumps and Rubella), Varicella-Zoster and many more titers.

Do I need a doctors order?

No, we have a physician who provides prescriptive authority.  That means if you need a test in Apopka, FL, New York City, NY or anywhere else in the United States, we have you covered.

At Which Sites Can an Employee Get Tested?

We have designated testing sites in strategic locations where employees can get tested. We have over 20,000 sites nationwide that allow your employee / applicant to get tested close to their home or workplace. We have over 200 sites in the greater Central Florida area.

How Can I Order a Service?

We have made it easy and convenient for employers to order our services. You can place your order online by utilizing our portal or you can call our knowledgeable support staff at 844-573-8378 or

Again, we appreciate the trust you place in Workplace Screening Intelligence to perform your testing and hope you will continue to trust us with your employee screening as well as personal health testing.  Let our 30 Years of experience be your peace of mind.

We offer Apopka based businesses a complimentary 60 minute session on how your screening services can be improved and provide cost savings.

About Workplace Screening Intelligence:

Philip Dubois is the founder and CEO of Workplace Screening Intelligence.  His knowledge represents over 30 years of excellence in service and support to thousands of employers, hospitals, clinics, and other stakeholders in the laboratory testing industry.

He’s an expert in the field of drug testing, titer testing, and other lab tests, including all aspects of alcohol testing. His resume includes extensive know-how in the various means of testing as well as federal and state testing laws, company policy development, and risk remediation.

Dubois is a former chairman and executive board member of the Drug and Alcohol Testing Industry Association, Inc., (DATIA). As chairman of DATIA, a 1,600-member group based in Washington, D.C., he championed the effort for the employer’s rights to a safe and drug-free workplace and for safer and drug-free roads.  He is a board member of National Drug and Alcohol Screening Association (NDASA), chairman of the Government Affairs Committee, and a member of the Political Action Committee (NDASA PAC).
