Hello Folks,

Well, we have cooler weather again and the wind has been kinda nasty. With the up-and-down temperatures and the wind blowin’ like crazy, lots of folks haven’t been fishin’.

I’m sure some folks are gettin’ on the water and catchin’ some fish but it has been a little slow lately in our area.

Kyle at Bitters Bait and Tackle reports that he has a few fishermen catchin’ some specks in Lake Monroe by driftin’ open water with minners. I’m gettin’ some reports that they are catchin’ a few specks in Lake Woodruff on minners and jigs tipped with minners. You need to fish around the clumps of hydrilla, and the openings in the hydrilla to catch some specks.

The bass fishin’ has been kinda’ slow as well. Again, the wind and the weather have kept lots of folks from goin’ fishin’.

A group of guys from work have been catchin’ some bass in Lake Fairview. Most of their bass are bein’ caught on plastic worms and slow-sinkin’ Senko-type baits.

The bass fishin’ on the Butler Chain remains the same. Folks are catchin’ some bass along the shoreline cover first thing in the mornin’. You need to use a noisy top-water bait and then switch to plastic worms and slow-sinkin’ Senko-type baits.

There have been a lot of schoolers throughout the chain so keep a lipless crank-bait tied on to one of your rods at all times. Once the sun gets up, try fishin’ the submerged hydrilla and pepper grass patches throughout the chain. Some of guides on the chain are draggin’ shiners over those same areas and catchin’ some nice bass. Of course, that all depends on the weather and the wind.

The Harris Chain has been off just a little for bass fishin’. Again, the weather and the wind have kept a lot of fishermen off the water. The good news is if you do go fishin’, there are a lot of areas of the chain where you can fish and stay out of the wind. So, if you have that adventurous spirit and you want to go fishin’, just be safe on the water.

The bass fishin’ on the Kissimmee Chain has been a little slow as of late. Once the weather gets settled in, the bass fishin’ should pick back up. You can still catch some bass on shiners along the shoreline cover and around the pads and over the submerged hydrilla beds. You just need to keep movin’ around until you locate some bass that want to bite.

The best lures have been plastic worms and speed worms. You can also catch a few specks in open water on jigs tipped with a minner.

Well, that’s it for this week. I wish I could tell ya the fishin’ is great but it ain’t. It’s kinda slow right now.

Tip of the week: Go fishin’.

Save a few and good luck!