Specks are bitin’ in Lake Monroe, Lake Jesup, St. Johns River


Hello Folks,

Well, we have started off the New Year and, hopefully, you got a chance to try out that new rod and reel you got for Christmas. If you haven’t, now is a good time to get on the water and do some fishin’. The specks are bitin’ and the bass fishin’ is in transition.

Davis over at Bitters Bait and Tackle reports that folks are catchin’ some nice specks in Lake Monroe and Lake Jesup. If you go to Lake Monroe, try driftin’ open water with jigs tipped with a minner. Some folks are catchin’ some specks just on minners either free-linin’ or fishin’ ’em under a cork.

If you want to catch some specks in the St. Johns River, Davis reports to fish the pads in the river. Keep movin’ from pad field to pad field until you find the specks. Once they quit bitin’, move to the next set of pads and you should be able to catch some enough keeper specks for supper.

As I said earlier, the bass fishin’ is in transition. We have been gettin’ some cooler weather and then it warms up and the bass can’t figure out what to do. We need a couple of weeks of some cooler weather so the bass can figure out what they want to do.

We have a full moon comin’ up on Monday, January 21. I’m gettin’ some reports that the bass are startin’ to make a few beds but there aren’t any bass on ’em yet. So that said, some bass are gettin’ ready to spawn this month.

If you want to catch some bass now, try fishin’ the Harris Chain. You will do best with shiners fished along the shoreline cover or driftin’ open water around the submerged hydrilla and eel-grass beds.

You can also catch some bass in the Butler Chain on shiners. Most folks are driftin’ with shiners in open water over the submerged hydrilla and eel-grass beds. You can catch some bass on chatter-baits and Bitters Vibe worm. The best color has been watermelon with red glitter. Davis reports that she is catchin’ some bass in deeper water on Rat-L-Traps fished over the submerged hydrilla and eel-grass beds.

Rick and I fished a local lake yesterday and we caught 12 bass on a variety of baits.

We didn’t catch any big ’uns, but Rick did catch a nice two-pounder. We caught our bass on swim-baits, and plastic worms. The best color that we caught our bass on was watermelon with red glitter and green pumpkin. We caught them around the pads and near shoreline cover like pads and clumps of eel-grass. We caught a few bass fishin’ deeper water around the submerged eel-grass patches.

Well, that’s it for this week. I hope to see you on the water.

Tip of the week: go fishin’.

Save a few and good luck!