Specks are bitin’ in area lakes, rivers but bass not so much


Hello Folks,

If you are fishin’ for specks right now, you should have a blast catchin’ some fish. If you are fishin’ for bass, good luck. The specks are still bitin’ good in Lake Monroe and Lake Jesup. If the weather is right and the wind ain’t blowin’ too bad, folks are gettin’ on the water and catchin’ some real nice specks.

Most of the specks are bein’ caught on minners driftin’ open water. I heard they are catchin’ some specks in John ’s Lake as well. Again, folks are driftin’ open water with minners and doin’ real good. Captain Paul Solomon reports that folks are catchin’ some specks in the Butler Chain, too.

I can report that the bass fishin’ on the Butler Chain is kinda slow. My buddy Rich fished a tournament on the Butler Chain last weekend and the winnin’ stringer was five fish for 9 lbs. Rich caught three bass that weighed 3.4 lbs. total. All I can say is the bass fishin’ was a little slow over the weekend on that chain.

As you know, we are in a transition of goin’ from summer to fall and then winter and the bass go on vacation. I’m sure some folks are catchin’ some bass. Ryan Fleck and his son were fishin’ over the weekend on the Conway Chain and they caught 14 bass up to 2.5 lbs. each. Ryan reports that the bass are startin’ to school up in the chain so the fishin’ should be pickin’ up real soon.

I can report from my time on the water that the fishin’ is really slow for me. Rick and I fished the Harris Chain last week and Rick caught two bass. I think I had a bite but I’m not real sure. I fished the Harris Chain Tuesday and I did get a bite. I’m either fishin’ in the wrong area of the lake or I’m snake bit. Whatever it is, I’m truly not catchin’ any bass. I’m not ready to give it up but not catchin’ but a few bass is not a fun day on the water. The only good thing about gettin’ on the water and fishin’ is the weather has been great. This is the best time of the year for me and I’m sure I’m not by myself when I say that. Now if the bass fishin’ will get better, and I know it will, life as we know it will be great. It’s just one of those things that we go through each year.

The great news is that we are all gettin’ ready for Christmas and that is a great time of the year for our family and hopefully yours as well. As a matter of fact as I write my column, we are exactly two weeks until Christmas.

Well. that’s it for this week.

I hope you have a great week and good luck on the water.

Tip of the week: go speck fishin’.

Save a few and good luck!