Shellcrackers are bitin’ in most area lakes and rivers


Hello Folks,

I hope you are enjoyin’ this great weather and you are gettin’ on the water and catchin’ a few fish. The fishin’ is still really good in most of the lakes in our area. Lots of folks are catchin’ plenty of shellcrackers and a few bluegills.

Kyle at Bitters Bait and Tackle reports lots of folks are catchin’ shellcrackers in Lake Monroe, Lake Jesup, and in the St. Johns River. All you need are some red worms, to locate a bed of shellcrackers, and you are good to go. Get the family and go fishin’.

The bass fishin’ is still doin’ good on some days and other days it’s a little slow. Kyle reports folks catchin’ some bass in the Kissimmee Chain, the Harris Chain, and the Butler Chain. You can catch some bass along the shoreline cover and in the offshore hydrilla and eel-grass beds. Try a Bitter’s Vibe around those areas for some good results.

The bass are schoolin’ in the Butler Chain, and you can catch a few bass by fishin’ the shoreline cover usin’ plastic worms and slow-sinkin’ Senko-type baits. The same thing goes for the Harris Chain. Try along the shoreline cover and, once the sun gets up, try movin’ to deeper water and fish the submerged grass beds.

I wanted to let everyone know that if you are plannin’ a fishin’ trip to Lake Yale, the FWC has the East Boat Ramp closed from April 19 through May 20. They are goin’ to be removin’ floatin’ vegetation and mud tussocks from three coves in the lake.

You can always launch your boat at the Lake Yale West Boat ramp and Marsh Park Boat Ramp. Once that’s completed they will be closin’ down the Lake Yale West Boat Ramp.

The West Boat Ramp will be closed from May 20 through June 19.

Also, I wanted to let everyone know that if you are travelin’ to another lake to fish and you need to know the location of all the public boat ramps for that lake, you can go to and they will show you were you can go to launch your boat.

Rick and I did get on the water last week and we fished the Harris Chain. We only caught a few bass, nothin’ big but, hey, we had a good time on the water. We are goin’ fishin’ this week but haven’t decided where to go yet.

See ya next week.

Tip of the week: schoolers.

Save a few and good luck!