Rain continues to help fill lakes and rivers in Central Florida


Hello Folks,

Well, it seems that your prayers are still workin’ this week. We are still gettin’ some rain this week and we are thankful for it. The rain has helped raise the level of the lakes and it’s kinda helpin’ the fishin’ as well. I’m gettin’ some good reports that the fishin’ is good in most of the lakes and the bigger chains as well.

Mark at Big Toho Bait and Tackle reports that the folks in his area are still catchin’ bluegills and shellcrackers in West Lake. Most of the bluegills and shellcrackers are bein’ caught out from Red’s Fish Camp on the shellbeds. Most folks are usin’ red worms and crickets to catch ’em. So, get some bait and let’s go catch some panfish.

He also reports that the bass fishin’ is good, but there aren’t too many folks goin’ fishin’. It’s either too hot or the afternoon rain showers are keepin’ folks off the water. You can catch some bass on the edges of the hydrilla clumps on shiners and artificials. You will do best to use junebug-colored plastic worms or speed worms for some good results.

Kyle at Bitter’s Bait and Tackle reports that the folks in his area are still catchin’ a few bluegills and shellcrackers. The panfishin’ has slowed down a little this week, but it should pick back up with the full moon this week. If you want to try and catch some panfish, try fishin’ Lake Monroe, Lake Harney, or Lake Jesup. Also, you can try fishin’ the St. Johns River around the pads and laydowns. I’m sure the river and the lakes that connect to the river are still low so please be careful as you navigate your way around the river and the lakes.

Kyle also reports that the bass are bitin’ in John’s Lake on the west side of Orlando. Folks are catchin’ bass in all the lakes. You will also find some bass schoolin’ in all the lakes as well. The schoolers are bustin’ on the baitfish throughout the lake.

The Butler Chain has been good for bass fishin’ as well. The bass are schoolin’ out there as well. You can catch some bass along the shoreline early in the mornin’. Once the sun gets up, move to deeper water and once you move, keep a lookout for the birds to be divin’ on the baitfish. Keep a lipless crank-bait tied on to one of your rods in case they start schoolin’ next to the boat.

The bass fishin’ on the Harris Chain is still doin’ good on most days. Kyle says he has been fishin’ the chain and catchin’ some bass on a variety of baits. He is catchin’ some nice bass, no biguns, on chatter-baits, swim-jigs, and Bitter’s Vibe worm. You can also catch some bass flippin’ the heavy cover and around the docks throughout the chain. Look for shaded areas where the bass are stayin’ out of the sun. It’s usually a little cooler under the docks and boat houses and it also keeps the sun out of the bass’ eyes. The bass don’t get to wear sunglasses like we do, so they seek those shaded areas to keep the sun out of their eyes.

Well, that’s it for this week. I hope you get a chance to get on the water this week and catch some fish. See ya next week. 

Tip of the week: full moon. Save a few and good luck!