Park Avenue Animal Hospital offers Springtime safety tips for your pets


Spring is upon us, which means it’s time to review some important pet safety tips. From potential hazards in the garden to pesky pests and common springtime cleaning chemicals, Park Avenue Animal Hospital offers valuable safety tips for pets which will keep them safe both indoors and out.

Spring blooms are pretty, but some plants and flowers are poisonous to pets. Lilies and daffodils are extremely toxic to cats. Just a tiny amount, a little nibble, or a lick, can be enough to cause irreversible kidney damage.

Keep your furry friend off the grass and away from any treated areas for at least 24 hours or opt for pet-safe products.

Keep pets away from seasonal decorations and treats. Poison control centers report a spike in calls about chocolate poisoning around Easter, and some animals like to chew on the grass in Easter baskets, which can become lodged in their gastrointestinal tract.

As you do your spring cleaning, be mindful of the chemicals in the cleaners you use around the house. Many common household cleaning products can be toxic to pets, whether ingested or simply touched by paws.  Products labeled “natural” doesn’t mean your pets are free from harm. Make sure that you keep pets secure and away from all cleaning substances until they are dry and out of paws’ reach.

Warmer weather in spring often leads to an increase in the population of fleas, ticks, and other parasites. These parasites not only cause discomfort to pets but can also transmit potentially serious diseases.

It’s allergy season. Just like humans, your furry friends can be allergic to the plants and pollen that come around in springtime, if your pet seems to be sneezing or itching more than usual.

Talk to the professionals at Park Avenue Animal Hospital about what options are best to treat your pet for fleas and ticks to keep them safe and receive the medications they may need to be more comfortable during allergy season.

While dogs and cats are by far the most popular choice for most pet owners, the doctors at Park Avenue Animal Hospital have a special place in their hearts for all animals, furry, feathery, or scaly.

With more than 60 years of combined quality veterinary experience, the doctors at Park Avenue Animal Hospital have gone well beyond the standard veterinary education and practice to further their knowledge of animal care to include reptiles, rabbits, ferrets, birds, guinea pigs, and more. Whether it’s an annual checkup or a critical emergency, they are prepared to handle any situation.

Fully equipped with diagnostic and surgical tools to meet practically any situation, Park Avenue Animal Hospital can provide reasonably priced medical and surgical care without sacrificing quality, in a setting designed to take the stress out of visiting your vet.

Routine examinations, vaccines, dentistry, and nutritional and behavioral advice are just some of the services provided by the doctors and staff in a beautiful office that is as comfortable as your own home.

Whether dog or cat, ferret or chinchilla, gecko or bearded dragon, parakeet or macaw (even the occasional hawk or owl!), at Park Avenue Animal Hospital, the goal remains unchanged: to provide affordable healthcare for pets without sacrificing quality medical care, and to provide consistent, reliable information for pet owners to help them make the best decisions for their pets’ health.

You’ll find that the staff at Park Avenue Animal Hospital think of their clients and the people of Apopka as part of their family. They are proud of their community and strive to make sure that everyone feels welcome in their clinic.

Park Avenue Animal Hospital is conveniently location at 847 N. Park Avenue (Rock Springs Road) in Apopka.

Call today at 407-880-9446 to schedule an appointment or visit them online at
