Orange County School Board approves innovative reopening plan, waiver for local start date discretion


The Orange County School Board approved, 6-2, the 2020-2021 Florida’s optional innovative reopening plan to include an innovative model called OCPS LaunchEd@Home, as well as agreed to seek a waiver from the state to allow local discretion regarding the start of school based on local data.

The tentative start date of the 2020-2021 school year is Friday, August 21.

The School Board held its special board meeting at the Ronald Blocker Educational Leadership Center in downtown Orlando, while also utilizing virtual conferencing on Friday, July 17. 

Parents will be allowed to make the choice for their child’s instructional model.
The choices include:

Face-to-Face: On campus, regular schedule, five days a week as required by the state in an emergency order.

OCVS Virtual: A fully accredited OCPS school for 10 years. This provides location, time and pace flexibility.

Innovative: OCPS LaunchEd@Home provides live stream for each class, following a traditional bell schedule. This option provides location flexibility, while also offering continuity of student experience and campus connections, as well as wrap-around support services.

The innovative plan will be submitted to the state for approval. The waiver request will also be submitted.

In the meantime, a choice registration survey starts today, Friday, July 17, for parents to choose one of the three learning models. The survey ends Friday, July 24. To maximize safety efforts, Orange County Public Schools encourages parents to select the OCPS LaunchEd@Home, if they’re able to keep their child at home. An assignment preference survey will also be sent to teachers to indicate which model they prefer to work in.

The school reopening details can be viewed here.