Make sure to hydrate well during our sweltering summer months


Hello Folks,

Well, it feels like summer has arrived, but in fact, it starts June 21, next Wednesday. We have been havin’ some very warm days here lately and when it gets in the 90s, it’s hot. I don’t about you, but I don’t mind the temperature as long as I have some wind. The wind seems to make being on the boat a lot better when it’s blowin’. If the lake is like a mirror and there is no wind, it’s hot.

You need to make sure you take along plenty of water and Gatorade to keep you hydrated. Also remember to take plenty of ice if you are fishin’ a tournament. The ice will help keep your fish cool so they won’t die in your live well. There are several additives on the market that you can add to the water in your live well. These additives will help to keep your fish calm and relaxed durin’ the day.

If you went bluegill fishin over the weekend, you should have caught plenty of ’em. Kyle at Bitter’s Bait and Tackle reports that they sold all the red worms they had in stock over the weekend. The bluegill bite was on and folks were catchin’ their limits. Kyle reports that folks are catchin’ ’em in the St. Johns River, Lake Monroe, and Lake Jesup. My fishin’ buddy Rich fished his bass club tournament on Lake Yale over the weekend and he saw plenty of bluegills on the beds durin’ the day. If you want to catch some bluegills and a few shellcrackers, head out to your favorite lake and catch ’em.

The bass fishin’ on Lake Yale was doin’ good over the weekend, too. It took more than 14 pounds to win their club tournament on Sunday. Rich reports that he caught most of his bass on chatter-baits, plastic worms, slow-sinkin’ Senko-type baits. He also caught some bass flippin’ the pads. So, if you want to catch some bluegills or bass, you might want to give Lake Yale a try.

On the Harris Chain, the bass fishin’ is hit or miss. Some anglers are catchin’ ‘em and some are havin’ a little trouble findin’ ’em. The bass fishin’ on the Butler Chain is still producin’ some nice stringers of bass. Most of the bass are bein’ caught on chatter-baits, plastic worms, and slow-sinkin Senko-type baits. You can try fishin’ a top-water bait early in the mornin’ along the edge of the grass or the pads. Once that sun gets up, you need to move to deeper water and fish the off-shore grass patches and the submerged hydrilla beds. Those bass well be in the cooler deeper water and lookin’ for some shade as well.

I hope everyone has a great weekend and I want to wish all the fathers out there a Happy Father’s Day this Sunday. Well, that’s it for this week. I hope you get a chance to do some fishin’ and I’ll see ya next week.

Tip of the week: bluegills on the beds.

Save a few and good luck!