Hopefully, you were gifted some fishin’ gear


Hello Folks,

Well, I hope you and your family had a great and Merry Christmas.

I hope you received what you were looking for, especially if you like to fish. Maybe you got a new rod and reel or a tackle box or some fishin’ tackle. Whatever Santa brought you, I hope you had a great time with your family and friends over the holidays.

We are getting’ ready to end this decade and move to another one next week. It’s hard for me to comprehend that we are goin’ into 2020. It is the end of 20th year of the 21st century and the 1st year of the 2020’s decade. Did you know that when we have a year when the first two numbers match the last two numbers it only happens once in a century? So, we all are goin’ to have a special year, bein’ alive to celebrate this year and the comin’ decade.

Well, enough of that stuff how about the fishin’? We had a lot of rain over the past week and so a lot of folks didn’t get a chance to do any fishin’.

A few brave souls were on the water and the fishin’ was a little tough. If the wind settles down, you should be able to catch some specks in Lake Monroe and Lake Jesup. Most folks are driftin’ open water with minners. If we get some cooler weather and with a full moon comin’ up the first of next month, the specks should really turn on next month. The water temperatures have been in the mid-60s, but we need the water temperatures to get in the 50s to get the specks turned on in our lakes.

Folks are catchin’ some specks in the Harris Chain. Most of the specks are still in the deeper parts of the chain. You will have to drift open waters until you find ’em.

Make sure you fish your minners at different depths so you cover the whole depth range. The specks may be in anywhere from 2 feet to 12 feet, dependin’ on the depth of the lake you are fishin’.

The bass fishin’ has been a little slow but you can still catch some nice bass on shiners. Kyle at Bitter’s Bait and Tackle reports most of the bass that are bein’ caught in his area of town are bein’ caught on shiners. You can also catch some bass on plastic worms and slow-sinkin’ Senko-type baits.

The bass fishin’ on the Butler Chain has been a little slow. Most of the guides that I know are freelinin’ shiners behind their boats and catchin’ some bass. So, if you want to catch some bass get some shiners and head to the lake.

Well, that’s it for this week. I wish the fishin’ was better but it will get better real soon. We should have a great year fishin’ in the new year. I want to wish you and your family a Happy New Year and have a great day on the water real soon.

Tip of the week: driftin’.

Save a few and good luck!