Hope CommUnity Center executive director is congressman’s honored guest at State of Union


WASHINGTON D.C. — In anticipation of the upcoming State of the Union Address tonight on Thursday, March 7, Congressman Maxwell Alejandro Frost (FL-10) announced Felipe Sousa-Lazaballet, executive director of Hope CommUnity Center, will be his honored guest at the State of the Union.

“As the proud son of a Cuban immigrant who would not be here today if not for asylum, it’s important we recognize the critical immigration plays in our communities, especially as MAGA Republicans try to pass cruel legislation to harm migrants. I am thrilled to have Felipe Sousa-Lazaballet, immigration advocate and champion, and Executive Director of Hope CommUnity Center, joining me at the State of the Union,” said Congressman Frost.

“Felipe’s journey as an undocumented immigrant and a prominent member of the LGBTQ+ community has been a source of inspiration, fueling his advocacy work that uplifts fellow immigrants across Central Florida. It’s essential to have immigrants and advocates like Felipe at the forefront of the conversation around immigration.

“His unwavering commitment has made him a beacon of hope for countless immigrant families in Central Florida.”

Hope CommUnity Center helps over 20,000 people yearly through service and advocacy by assisting people suffering the effects of injustice and advocating for humane and comprehensive reforms in the areas of immigration, labor, housing, health care, and education.

The Apopka Chief and The Planter are weekly community newspapers, independently owned and family operated, that have served the greater Apopka area in Central Florida since 1923 and 1965 respectively.

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