Funeral arrangements are made for the late Alonzo Williams Jr.


Funeral arrangements have been made for late former Apopka City Commissioner Alonzo Williams Jr., who died earlier this week at age 85.

There will be a memorial service on Saturday, January 27, at 10:30 a.m. for Commissioner Williams at New Hope Missionary Baptist Church, 927 S. Central Ave., Apopka.  

Immediately following the service, there will be a repass until 3 p.m. at the Apopka Community Center, 519 S. Central Ave., Apopka.

Flags will be at half-staff throughout the city from Friday, January 26 to Sunday, January 28, the weekend of the service.

Apopka Mayor Bryan Nelson will read a proclamation at the service in honor of Commissioner Williams’s legacy. The mayor will then a read a proclamation at the Wednesday, February 7 City Council meeting in Commissioner Williams’s honor as well.

Alonzo Williams Jr., who made history as the first African-American Apopka city commissioner, died on Tuesday, January 9, in Albany, Georgia.