Fishin’ is strong in our lakes, rivers


Hello Folks,

I hope everyone had a great week and you are gettin’ ready to go fishin’.

The fishin’ is still goin’ strong. Folks are catchin’ specks in Lake Monroe and Lake Jesup. You can catch a few specks in the St. Johns River as well. We have a full moon comin’ up on March 20 so the fishin’ this comin’ weekend should really be good. Most of the specks are bein’ caught on minners fished under a cork or bobber.

Kyle at Bitter’s Bait and Tackle reports that the folks in his area are still catchin’ a few specks but some anglers are startin’ to fish for bluegills and shellcrackers. It’s still a little early for bluegills but with the Florida weather, you never know when the panfish will start bitin’. Most of the panfish can be caught on crickets and red worms. Kyle reports some anglers are buy-in’ red worms and goin’ after the bluegills and shellcrackers.

The bass fishin’ has been good in most of the lakes in our area and the chains as well. Folks are catchin’ some bass on shiners and artificials. The Kissimmee Chain and the Harris Chain were still producin’ some nice stringers durin’ the tournaments that were held there this past week. The guides are busy durin’ this time of the year.

Rick and I fished John’s Lake on Tuesday and we had a lot of guide boats at the ramp. The bass fishin’ was pretty good and we found plenty of beds throughout the lake. We didn’t find any bass on ’em but they were fresh beds and some spawners should show up in the comin’ days. We did catch eight bass and they were all good ones except for one short one. The biggest bass was around 4 lbs. We caught most of our bass on slow-sinkin’ Senkos and plastic worms. 

We caught two nice bass flippin’ the heavy cover with Bitter’s Muskrat baits. There was another tournament held on the Kissimmee Chain last weekend. There were a lot of bass caught and released back in the water.

The fishin’ has been good here locally as well. Justin Newby was fishin’ in Lake Fairview this past week. He caught several nice bass and real nice bass that weighed 4.6 lbs. He caught his bass on a slow-sinkin’ Senko-type bait. I hope you get a chance to do some fishin’ over the weekend and have a great week. 

Tip of the week: full moon. Save a few and good luck!