Fishin’ is still available as an activity during coronavirus


Hello Folks,

Well, here we are in another week of stay-at-home restrictions. The good news is you can still go fishin’ and that has a lot of folks happy. I hope and pray all this gets over real soon. I also hope you and your family are doin’ well and, hopefully, you will stay healthy durin’ this time.

If you do get a chance to do some fishin’, the fishin’ has been pretty good in most of the lakes in our area. Kyle at Bitter’s Bait and Tackle reports that the big bluegills and shellcrackers are bitin’ in Lake Monroe. Most folks are usin’ red worms to catch ’em. The problem is Seminole County has shut down most of the boat ramps in that area. You need to check the local authorities’ websites and/or the FWC website for updated closings. I know that some folks are fishin’ off the seawall in Sanford, and they are catchin’ some bluegills and a few catfish.

Kyle also reports that the bass fishin’ has been pretty good in the Harris Chain. Kyle fished there over the weekend and caught some nice bass. He caught most of his bass on a variety of baits. He was able to catch bass on crank-baits, chatter-baits, plastic worms, and by flippin’ the heavy cover. Kyle was able to catch a few bass on Bitter’s Vibe as well.

We have a full moon this week so the fishin’ might be a little slow after the full moon but, hey, it stills gives you a chance to get out of the house and do some fishin’. I had to go to Leesburg this week and I saw that the ramp on Lake Eustis is still open. The ramp at Lake Griffin is also open, so I know for sure that those two ramps are open and lots of folks were usin’ ’em, too.

If you want to get outside and abide by the rules, there are ramps open and the fishin’ has been good as well. I hope to get on the water this week myself and do some fishin’. All my honey do’s are completed and I don’t play golf so it’s time to get the boat and go fishin’. At this point, I don’t care if I catch very many bass, I just want to be on the water and enjoyin’ bein’ outside and fishin’. If you like to fish, you can only stay off the water for so long and then you’ve got to go fishin’.

We have been on stay-at-home for a couple of weeks now, and I have watched all the fishin’ shows and live events that the Internet has to offer. As long as you stay your 6 ft. of social distancin’ and 50 feet from another boat, you should be good to go. I hope you have a blessed week and enjoy this Easter weekend. I hope to see you on the water and, prayerfully, this virus will be over with real soon.

See ya next week. 

Tip of the week: get outside.

Save a few and good luck!c