Fishin’ is pretty good for specks and bass in local lakes


Hello Folks,

I hope you are havin’ a great week and, hopefully, you got a chance to do some fishin’ over the weekend. The fishin’ is pretty good right now and folks are gettin’ on the water and catchin’ some fish.

Kyle at Bitter’s B&T reports that the specks are still bitin’ in Lake Monroe and Lake Jesup. You just need to pay attention to the wind on those lakes. Most of the specks are bein’ caught on minners and a few on jigs tipped with a minner. The bass fishin’ has been good in most of the lakes in our area. John’s Lake has been good to very good. Rick and I fished out there last week and we had a pretty good day on the water. We ended the day with 10 bass bein’ caught and released. We caught most of our bass on slow-sinkin’ Senko-type baits. Rick caught most of the bass and the biggest bass was about 3.5 pounds.

I mentioned last week that MLF Toyota Bass Series would be havin’ a tournament February 1-3 on the Harris Chain. Congrats to Kennie Steverson on his win. Kennie brought to the scales a big bag on Friday to secure his win. His three-day total hit the scales at 71 lbs., 13 oz. Kennie is from Umatilla. As a little side note, Kennie caught his big bag of fish on Friday in Lake Apopka. I guess it’s safe to say that Lake Apopka is makin’ a comeback. I don’t know about you but that’s great news considerin’ the condition that this lake was in several years ago. Thanks to a lot of people who put in the work to revive Lake Apopka. Thank you everyone for your support in this effort.

Comin’ in second place was Eric Panzironi from Longwood. Eric led the tournament the first two days but on Friday, we had a cold front come through and the wind picked up that last day. The weather change had a bearin’ on Eric, but he was able to catch five bass on the last day. Those five bass just weren’t enough to keep the lead on the last day. Congrats, Eric, on a great showin’ in this tournament. I’m sure a win isn’t far away from you, buddy.

This comin’ week, we have MLF Pro guys fishin’ the Kissimmee Chain. They will be fishin’ Monday, February 13, through Saturday, February 18. They will be launchin’ out of West Lake at Big Toho Marina each day at 7:30 a.m. They will be weighin’ their bass on the boat as they catch ’em. You can watch all the action on the internet each day. If you want to meet some of the pros, you need to be at the ramp when they come back in at the end of period three, which is at 4 p.m. I met some of the guys two years ago when they fished the Harris Chain event. They are a great bunch of great guys to meet and talk to.

The ramp at R.D. Keene on the Butler Chain is still closed at this time due to high water. I hope y’all get a chance to get on the water and do some fishin’ this week or over the weekend. See ya next week.

Tip of the week: go fishin’.

Save a few and good luck!