Fish are still bitin’ in area lakes, rivers


Hello Folks,

The full moon has come and gone, and hopefully you got a chance to do some fishin’. Lots of folks are gettin’ on the water and catchin’ some specks and some bass.

Kyle at Bitter’s Bait and Tackle reports that folks are still catchin’ some specks in Lake Monroe and Lake Jesup, but it’s been slow. Some folks are catchin’ ’em on minners driftin’ open water. I got a report on the specks in the Harris Chain. The young angler named Dillion is catchin’ specks in Lake Eustis. He is usin’ a 1/4-oz. Rat-L-Trap, chrome blue first thing in the mornin’ in shallow water. Then the specks move to deeper water and then they use minners and traps to catch ’em.

Kyle also reports that folks are catchin’ some bass on shiners in the local lakes. Kyle says that folks are catchin’ bass on wild shiners and domestic shiners in the local lakes in his area. You can also catch some nice bass in the Maitland Chain on shiners. Some big bass are bein’ caught in the Harris Chain as well. Kyle caught a nice 10 pounder in the chain. He was fishin’ in Lake Harris when he caught his big bass. Other big bass are bein’ caught as well.

Anglers Team Trail had a tournament on the Butler Chain and a nice 10 pounder was caught in that tournament. The team of Bill Sullivan and Marshall Holloway won with a five-bass limit of 15.35 lbs. They also caught a 10.20-pound big bass as well. The big bass was caught by Sullivan. Our own team of John Ricketson and Chip Dover finished in second place in that same tournament. Chip Dover also caught a nice bass that weighed 6.22 lbs.

Some nice bass are bein’ caught right now in most of the chains and lakes in our area. Of course, it’s that time of the year when you can catch a big bass. The bass are startin’ to move into shallow water to spawn. You can see some buck bass and a few females movin’ into the shallow parts of the lake to spawn.

Rick and I fished John’s Lake this week and Rick caught six bass up to 3 lbs. each. The weather was great and it was a nice day to be on the water. Rick caught his bass on slow-sinkin’ Senko-type baits and plastic worms. There were a lot of speck fishermen on the lake as well. They were catchin’ a few specks driftin’ in open water on minners. We also saw some anglers catchin’ some bass on shiners, so the bass fishin’ is pickin’ up and if you want to catch some fish, now is a good time to get on the water.

Well, that’s it for this week. I hope you get a chance to go fishin’ this week or over the weekend. You can get a bucket of minners and go catch some specks. You can also get some shiners and catch some bass as well. See ya next week. 

Tip of the week: shiners for bass. Save a few and good luck!