Cooler weather certainly makes for better fishin’ in Central Florida


Hello Folks,

Oh my gosh, it’s finally here and it’s great. We have been waitin’ all summer and it’s finally here. It’s been so nice to go outside and not walk into an oven.

Yes, I know it’s Florida and we live here because of the weather, but I was ready for a change. Cooler weather will make the fishin’ better and get those ole specks to bitin’. The cooler weather makes it better while you are on the boat.

The bass fishin’ hasn’t been too bad on the Harris Chain and the Kissimmee Chain. I talked to Kyle at Bitter’s Bait and Tackle and he says the bass fishin’ has been good for the most part. I asked him about the specks and he said that not too many folks are getting’ on the water and fishin’ for ’em. Hopefully with the cooler weather, the specks will start bitin’ real soon.

Congratulations to Kyle and his fishin’ partner on their win on Lake Toho over the weekend. They brought five bass to the scales that weighed in at more than 19 lbs. They caught their bass in West Lake fishin’ the submerged hydrilla beds with a variety of baits.

Kyle wouldn’t share with me the baits because he has another tournament this weekend.

The Harris Chain has been doin’ pretty good as well. If you are plannin’ to fish the Harris Chain this weekend, there will be a BassMaster Open on the chain October 12-14. I’m sure there will be a lot of boat activity on the chain so be safe on the water this weekend. If you want to watch the weigh-ins, they will be held at Ski Beach up in Leesburg. The weigh-ins start at 3:15 p.m. each day.

The bass fishin’ on the Butler Chain is about the same. Folks are catchin’ lots of numbers of bass but not too many big bass. Most of the bass are bein’ caught around the submerged hydrilla and pepper grass patches throughout the chain. Chatter-baits, trick worms, and speed worms will work most days. If it’s overcast or rainin’, try a top-water bait or a Buzz bait early in the mornin’ or late in the evenin’.

Kyle reports that the bass fishin’ on the Maitland Chain has slowed down a little. You can catch a few bass fishin’ around the submerged hydrilla beds in the chain.

If you are plannin’ a fishin’ trip to Lake Okeechobee soon, the bass fishin’ has been pretty good. A tournament was held out of Roland Martins last weekend, and it took 32 lbs. to win.

So, it looks like the fishin’ is gonna get better as the weather cools down, and the bass will start movin’ into their fall pattern.

Well, that’s it for this week. I hope you have a great week and hopefully you get a chance to get on the water and do some fishin’.

Tip of the week: cooler weather.

Save a few and good luck!