City of Apopka issues Friday update on Hurricane Milton debris removal


On its website today, Friday, November 8, the city of Apopka issued a debris update for Hurricane Milton:

Public Services Update: Between the contractor, City crews and residents, we have collected over 28,000 cubic yard of storm debris over the past 20 days.
For perspective, we normally collect around 50,000 yard for the whole year. And we estimate that we are about 75% complete with the first pass. Once the first pass is completed over the next few days, the final pass will be announced to make sure everyone has put all of their storm debris to the curb.
We understand residents are tiring of the debris, but we have been actively collecting with city and contractor resources 7 days per week since the storm and hope to have most if not all of the debris removed around the week of Thanksgiving.
Bulky and normal yard waste collection will start on schedule next week, as well and we think we will now be able to sustain the normal schedule. Please continue to be patient as these conditions make things very unpredictable and hard to give accurate timelines.

The Apopka Chief and The Planter are weekly community newspapers, independently owned and family operated, that have served the greater Apopka area in Central Florida since 1923 and 1965 respectively.

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