This week, the city of Apopka Department of Public Services has enacted a state of water supply conservation to ensure an adequate supply of potable and reclaim water.
With an increasingly faster depletion of the water supply being observed at the city of Apopka potable and reclaim water plants, the city is entering the mandatory water conservation restrictions listed below.
The following restrictions are in effect beginning Wednesday, April 24:
Restriction type: Mandatory
According to the St. Johns River Water Management District, restricted irrigation activities are permitted before 10 a.m. and after 4 p.m. and are limited to alternate days. Addresses ending in odd numbers may water on Wednesday and Saturday. Addresses ending in even numbers may water on Thursday and Sunday. Non-residential irrigation may water on Tuesday and Friday.
At this time, we are requesting that residential and commercial customers do not install new sod until the water restrictions have been rescinded.
Any irrigation practices are restricted to 15 minutes per zone.
Consequences of violating the restrictions are:
- First Violation: Written Warning
- Second Violation: $50 Fine
- Third Violation:$100 Fine
- Subsequent Violations:$500 Fine
- Each day in which any violation exists shall be deemed to constitute a separate offense.
- Drought Level: Heat Wave
- Restriction: Mandatory
- Restricted Activities:
- Outside Water Use in General
- Watering Lawns & Gardens
For more information, contact the Department of Public Services by phone at 407-703-1731.
The Apopka Chief and The Planter are weekly community newspapers, independently owned and family operated, that have served the greater Apopka area in Central Florida since 1923 and 1965 respectively.
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