Charlotte Cipes is Apopka City Hall’s featured artist for January 2017


Apopka painter and photographer Charlotte Cipes is Apopka City Hall’s featured artist this month. Her work can be viewed in the City Hall atrium until the end of January.

Her paintings are renderings of photographs, like the one she took of a pair of swans at Lake Eola in downtown Orlando. Her other paintings were of her family, scenes from Minnesota and Austria, and her pet dog.

As a vendor, Cipes appeared at festivals including the Apopka Art and Foliage Festival that takes place every April at Kit Land Nelson Park.

City Hall curator Betty Ann Huntsman has been coordinating local artists’ exhibits in the building for over the last 2½ years. The exhibit, rotated out every six weeks with different artworks by different artists, has generated positive buzz from City Hall visitors and city staff alike.

Cipes does portraits on commission. To contact Cipes, email

Click here to read the extended story about Cipes.