Hello Folks,
Well, by the time you read my column, turkey day will be over. It will be leftovers for a while, but, hey! I love leftovers on Thanksgivin’.
I hope you and your family had a great Thanksgivin’ and hopefully you will get to do some fishin’ over the holiday weekend. The fishin’ hasn’t been too bad except we got some much-needed rain last week. Our lakes were gettin’ kinda low, so it was great to finally get some rain.
The folks at Bitter’s B&T report that folks are still fishin’ for specks when they can get on the water. Most of the specks are bein’ caught on minners, with a few bitin’ on jigs tipped with a minner. You need to use bright colored jigs for the best results. If the wind doesn’t get crazy, Lake Monroe and Lake Jesup have been producin’ some nice stringers of specks, too. Most folks are catchin’em on minners, driftin’ open water in Lake Monroe. In Lake Jesup, folks are catchin’ some specks under the 417 bridge on minners.
The bass fishin’ has been good in some chains and a little slow in others. They had two big tournaments on the Harris Chain last weekend, and it didn’t take too much to win one tournament, but it took 28 pounds to win the other. Congrats to Eric Panzironi and Rich on their win on the Harris Chain over the weekend. They also had a nine-pounder to help as well.
Folks you can either sit at home or go fishin’. It’s just great to be on the water and hopefully you will catch some fish, if not you won’t know until you go. Folks are catchin’ a few bass on shiners, on the Kissimmee Chain. You can also catch some bass on West Lake Toho on shiners around the edge of the submerged hydrilla and ell-grass.
Also, the bass fishin’ on the Butler Chain has been pretty good if you want to go catch some bass. You will catch numbers of bass on a variety of baits. Look for schoolin’ bass on the chain, as well. You need to have a lipless crank-bait tied on to one of you rods.
You want to be ready when they start schoolin’. Sometimes the bass won’t stay up feedin’ on bait-fish very long, so you need to be ready while fishin’ that chain. You can also try the submerged hydrilla and pepper grass that is located just off-shore. Folks are catchin’ a few bass in those types of areas throughout the chain. You will do best by fishin’ top water early and then try a chatter-bait or speed worms, fished around the grass patches. Some folks are catchin’ a few bass on jigs, as well. The fishin’ should be good this weekend, due to the full moon on Monday the 27th.
I always say three days before the full moon and three days after the full moon should really be the best times to catch some fish! Well, have a great week, and I hope to see you on the water real soon.
Tip of the week: Full Moon
Save a few and good luck.