August has two full moons and that will benefit fishin’


Hello Folks,

It’s goin’ to be a good month to go fishin’. We have two full moons this month. There was one on Tuesday, August 1, and one on August 30. This event may have happened in my lifetime but I don’t remember it. Anyway, ever since I have been fishin’, the fishin’ is usually pretty good three days before and three days after a full moon. So, 12 days this month, the fishin’ should be really good.

I know it’s been hot, but I’m still seein’ some nice bass bein’ caught in the Harris Chain and the Kissimmee Chain. You can look on social media and see some nice bass or a few good ’uns bein’ caught this summer.

Kyle at Bitter’s Bait and Tackle reports that the folks goin’ fishin’ has slowed down this past week. A few folks are still catchin’ some bluegills and a few shellcrackers. Most of the panfish are bein’ caught on red worms. Kyle also reports that the bass fishin’ has been pretty good on the Maitland Chain. Most of the bass are bein’ caught by freelinin’ shiners over the submerged hydrilla beds throughout the chain. You can also catch some bass on chatter-baits and plastic worms.

I wanted to mention that the Florida Wildlife Commission has released some more hybrid striped bass in the Harris Chain. They have stocked the chain so far this year with more than 110,000 fingerlings in Lake Harris and Lake Eustis. In the past three years, the FWC has stocked more than 110,000 fingerlings in the chain. Those stripers grow pretty fast in the chain and in about a year they will reach a catchable size of 12 in. The FWC reports that a couple of good spots to catch stripers has been at both ends of Dead River and close to the Yalaha Springs area on the south shoreline near Johnson’s Point.

The bass fishin’ on West Lake Toho is still producin’ some nice stringers of bass in the tournaments bein’ held on the lake. Also, some nice bass bigger than nine pounds are bein’ caught durin’ these tournaments as well. Kyle reports that the water is clearin’ up and the top-water bite has been good on the lake lately. You need to get on the water at first light to get in on the action of catchin’ these bass.

Once the sun gets up, you need to move to some deeper water and drag a worm through the submerged hydrilla grass and eel-grass. I know some bass are also bein’ caught by flippin’ the heavy mats of hydrilla on the south end of the lake.

Well that’s it for this week. I hope you get a chance to do some fishin’ this week. See ya next week.

Tip of the week: early.

Save a few and good luck!