Apopka City Council approves 2017-2018 budget, but not without disagreement


A rehash of philosophical differences – albeit a shorter version – highlighted the final public hearings for the city of Apopka property tax rate and 2017-2018 budget that were eventually approved on Wednesday, September 27, with a pair of 4-1 votes.

The $124,672,709 budget becomes effective on Sunday, October 1. The property tax rate remains at 3.7876 mills, but with higher property values, most property owners will see a tax increase.

Commissioner Doug Bankson once again expressed his displeasure with the use of reserves and borrowing to balance the budget. He has consistently called it “unsustainable.”

The current reserve level is acceptable, Bankson said.

Bankson has consistently said he would like to see the city with a reserve level of 25 percent of the general fund. Currently, the reserves are at about 18 percent.

Although no one from the public spoke at the public hearings, Commissioner Diane Velazquez challenged Bankson’s no votes on the tax rate and budget.

“What are we going to do as a council when you have disapproved the budget and we still have the operating expenses? We still have to provide services to our community,” she said.

“When you say ‘no’ to the budget, you’re actually telling the community, our fire department, our police department, our public services, ‘I don’t approve this budget because I feel 25 percent has to be in the reserves. So count me out.’”

The full story appears in the Friday, September 29, print and e-editions of The Apopka Chief.