Fishin’ has been a little slow in our area


Hello Folks,

I hope everyone had a great weekend and you got out and did a little fishin’. Some folks are still fishin’ for panfish, bluegills, and shellcrackers, but it’s been a little slow. You can still catch a few panfish in Lake Jesup and Lake Monroe on wigglers and red worms.

If you go fishin’ for panfish and it’s kinda slow and you want to get out of the heat, go over to the State Road 417 bridge in Lake Jesup and see if you can catch a few specks. You will need a couple dozen minners or so and you may be able to put a few in the boat.

The bass fishin’ ain’t too bad in most of the chains and lakes in our area. Folks are gettin’ on the water early or goin’ late in the day when it’s a little cooler. If you go in the afternoon, just watch out for the afternoon showers, especially if it’s lightnin’. You don’t want to be on the water when lightnin’ is droppin’ from the sky.

Kyle at Bitter’s Bait and Tackle reports that the folks in his area are catchin’ a few bass in the St. Johns River. Look for water flowin’ into the St. Johns and you should find some bass hangin’ around in the area. You need to fish the mouth of those feeder creeks. If there is a shellbed in the mouth of the feeder creek, try fishin’ a Carolina-rigged plastic worm. Once that bite is over, you will need to flip the pads and laydowns where the bass can find some shade durin’ the day.

The bass fishin’ on the Butler Chain is still doin’ good for numbers. Folks are catchin’ 20 to 30 bass per trip, on plastic worms, jigs, and slow-sinkin’ Senko-type baits. If you go fish the Butler Chain, look for the birds divin’ on the baitfish throughout the chain. You will usually find bass feedin’ on the baitfish throughout the day. Kyle also reports that some nice stringers of bass are bein’ caught on the Harris Chain. Most of the bass are bein’ caught on plastic worms and slow-sinkin’ Senko-type baits. You need to fish around the submerged hydrilla beds and eel-grass beds throughout the chain. Go early before that ole sun gets ya.

Well, that’s it for this week. I’ll see ya next week.

Tip of the week: slow.

Save a few and good luck!