Try Swedish meatballs from ‘The Jones-Morris Family Treasury’


Betty Ann Vakauza’s Swedish Meatballs comes from The Jones-Morris Family Treasury. We thank Susan Nethercote, our friend of many years, for sharing this delightful family history with us. There are many family anecdotes in there as well as recipes. Betty Ann is Susan’s sister. Their mother is Nana Morris whose recipe for a salad is featured below in this article.

The King Ranch Chicken Casserole from Southern Living All-Time Favorites is wonderful. My friend Amanda’s advice is that the best tortillas are the ones you make yourself or buy from a Mexican market.

Michael Watson contributed easy Garden Bake in the Apopka Citizen Police Alumni Association’s Sharing Our Finest Cookbook. It looks to be a lovely vegetable pie.

Nana Morris’ Lettuce Salad, is another favorite from The Jones-Morris Family Treasury. It is much more than a “lettuce salad.” Its title does it little justice.

We want to thank Richard Houchins for his Pioneer Bread Pudding recipe. This recipe comes from Feeding the Flock, published by New Visions Community Church.

Earl Coell’s Cheese Biscuits is another winner we pulled from The Apopka Citizen Police Alumni Association’s Sharing Our Finest Cookbook.

From our friends in Plains, Georgia, (yes, Jimmy Cah-tuh’s hometown) we have Floy Bagwell’s Old-Fashioned Pone Bread. Their dandy book of recipes is titled Plains Pot Pourri. Note: A “pone” is described as a loaf or flat oval-shaped cake.



Recipe from

The Jones-Morris Family Treasury

2 pounds ground meat (pork, beef, and veal)

2 teaspoons salt

1/8 teaspoon nutmeg

1/8 teaspoon

2 eggs

1 cup dry bread crumbs

Milk to moisten

1/4 teaspoon pepper

1 onion, chopped and sautéed

Tomato sauce

Mix all ingredients together. Roll into balls, and bake in loaf pan one hour at 350 degrees.



Recipe from

Southern Living All-Time Favorites

1 large onion, chopped

1 large green bell pepper, chopped

2 tablespoons vegetable oil

2 cups chopped cooked chicken

1 (10-3/4 ounce) can cream of chicken soup, undiluted

1 (10-3/4 ounce) can cream of mushroom soup, undiluted

1 (10-ounce) can diced tomatoes and green chiles

1 teaspoon chili powder

1/4 teaspoon salt

1/4 teaspoon garlic powder

1/4 teaspoon pepper

12 (6-inch) corn tortillas

2 cups (8 ounces) shredded Cheddar cheese

Saute onion and bell pepper in hot oil in a large skilled over medium-high heat five minutes or until tender. Stir in chicken and next seven ingredients; remove from heat.

Tear tortillas into 1-inch pieces, and layer one-third of tortilla pieces in bottom of a lightly greased 13 x 9-inch baking dish. Top with one-third of chicken mixture and 2/3 cup cheese. Repeat layers twice.

Bake at 350 degrees for 30 to 35 minutes. Makes 6 to 8 servings.

Note: Freeze casserole up to one month, if desired. Thaw in refrigerator overnight, and bake as directed.



Recipe from Apopka Citizen Police Alumni Association’s

Sharing Our Finest Cookbook

1 cup chopped zucchini

1 cup chopped tomatoes

1/2 cup chopped onion

1/3 cup grated Parmesan cheese

1 cup milk

1/2 cup Bisquick

2 eggs

1/2 teaspoon salt

1/4 teaspoon pepper

Preheat oven to 400 degrees. Lightly grease 8 x 8-inch square baking dish or 9-inch pie plate. Place zucchini, tomatoes, onion and cheese evenly in baking dish. Beat remaining ingredients in blender on high speed for 15 seconds or with hand beater for 1 minute until smooth. Pour evenly into dish. Bake thirty to thirty-five minutes or until knife inserted in center comes out clean. Let stand five minutes before cutting. Makes six servings.



Recipe from

The Jones-Morris Family Treasury

1 head of lettuce, rinsed and dried well, then broken up

2 stalks celery, chopped

1/3 whole green pepper (optional)

2 medium onions sliced thin

4 hard cooked eggs, sliced

6-7 cooked slices bacon (optional)

1 package frozen peas (don’t cook)

Mayonnaise or salad dressing, amounts to your liking

1/2 cup grated Parmesan cheese

In a 9 x 13-inch pan or large serving dish make layers as follows:

Line dish, bottom and sides, with half of the lettuce. Add celery, green pepper, onion, egg, and half the bacon (crumbled). Then add remaining lettuce and all of the frozen (separated) peas. “Frost” with mayonnaise or salad dressing over all. Sprinkle cheese over the top and add the rest of the bacon pieces. Cover tightly with plastic wrap. Refrigerate 24 to 48 hours before serving.



Recipe from

New Vision Community Church’s,

Feeding the Flock cookbook

2 cups bread cubes

2 cups milk

3 tablespoons butter

1/4 cup sugar

2 eggs

Dash of salt

1/2 teaspoon vanilla

Directions Bread Pudding:

Use day old bread crust and cut into cubes. Place these in buttered 1-quart baking dish. Scald milk with butter and sugar. Beat eggs slightly. Add salt, stir in warm milk, and then add vanilla. Pour over bread cubes, place baking dish in pan of water and bake at 350 degrees for one hour.

Lemon Sauce:

1-1/2 tablespoons corn starch

1/4 cup sugar

1-1/2 cup hot water

Grated rind of 1/4 lemon

2 tablespoons lemon juice

1-1/2 tablespoons butter

Directions Lemon Sauce:

Mix cornstarch and sugar, add hot water. Cook in double boiler eight minutes, adding lemon rind. Stir until thick. Add juice and butter; serve warm over bread pudding.


Recipe from Apopka Citizen Police Alumni Association,

Sharing Our Finest Cookbook

1/2 cup self-rising flour

1/4 pound grated cheese

1/4 pound butter

Salt to taste

3 tablespoons ice water

Mix quickly. Roll thin. Cut with cookie cutter. Bake at 500 degrees for 10 minutes.



Recipe from Food Favorites of Plains, Georgia

Plains Pot Pourri

Self-rising cornmeal



Mix together about two cups self-rising cornmeal with 1/4 cup oil and add enough buttermilk to make a thick dough. Fashion dough with hands into two pones. Place in greased iron baker or frying pan (spider) and bake at 450 degrees until brown. Take out, butter, and serve.